QuietTorque™ 10.0 Sail Drive - 48Volt
Perfect for new build or repower. Installs in place of existing saildrive with little or no modification to the hull. Typical battery size is 200Ah to 300Ah at 48Vdc.
Specifications & Features
- Motor type: PMAC*brushless motor
- Voltage: 48 Vdc
- Current: 200 Adc
- Max power input: 10.0 kW
- Weight: 110 pounds
- Maintenance: No maintenance components
- Frame: Anodized Aluminum
- Propeller: 2 or 3 blade 12″ to 16″
- Fixed or folding
- Throttle Anodized Al waterproof throttle with key & neutral lock
- Digital Display
- State of Charge (SOC)
- Voltage, Current, Power and motor RPM
- Program battery type and size
- Time to Discharge based on current power consumption, updated in real time
- Programmable regeneration
- Stainless Steel shaft coupler
- Power Switch Blue Sea two position switch
- Relay 500amp vacuum relay
- Fuse Class-t fuse & holder
- *Permanent Magnet Alternating Current